Wednesday 14 January 2009

Shud i call it a bad day or a good day?

Hey everyone!! What a day?? Started out so good then… Herm.. Listen up! I went to sleep yesterday and prayed this prayer before I slept where I commanded the clouds not to rain today in the Name of Jesus as I needed to do my laundry. Then today morning woke up at around 9am. Went to wash the laundry but the grey clouds started to turn up. I said no.. And began praying again and again using the authority given to us, Christians to command the clouds not to rain and that my clothing have to all dry. And Amen!! It did not rain and every piece of my clothing did get dry.. Yeah!! Wonderful how God works..
Yea.. But then I had a meeting at 1pm so had to go to the meeting room. Went there but not a single junior.. All of them were my seniors. But never mind that… That wasn’t my story. While waiting and talking to 2 of my seniors I just leaned forward a bit to listen better to a senior trying to explain to me details about my assignment. Then the worst and most embarrassing part happened.. I fell and hit my forehead on the table. Oh Mann~~ That was embarrassing.. I didn’t even try look up at my seniors but I know they all looked at me in great shock.. Hate it!! Now I have a bulge on my forehead. Argh!! Go away!! :’( Look so ugly.
Hmm… Hey u guys wanna look at pictures from our IYF BBQ Christmas Party? I don’t have them of coz.. As you all know I don’t have a camera.. So yea. Go look for ‘Berlinda’ under LIGHTNING BOLTS!! View all our youths.. Photos thanks to our IYF photographer.. Lyndzkim… *cheers*


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