Sunday, 11 January 2009

Birthday Wishes

Soeee everyone!! This birthday wish may b very belated but its "better late than never ryte"?? This goes out to an old friend. Well~~ She's not that old but I've known her for a long time. The 8th Jan birthday girl is Fazleen. I can't remember her full name so I better not write it in case I got it wrong.. I know agak-agak what it is but not quite sure..Was it Noor Fazleen bte. Abd. Rahman?? Nvm I noe its wrong.What a bad friend I am? Well..neways.. She's very pretty very talented. A month older than me I guess but yea~ who cares? It's her birthday and this post is specially dedicated to her..
Hey soe ppl I know my blog sounds so much like a radio broadcast.. It's coz I got no more better idea than what to post up..


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