Friday, 24 April 2009

Inhumanity to DOGS!! Read about it!! Part 1

In Malaysia, Malays own cats, not dogs. The Chinese and Indians love dogs. As a corollary, Malaysia has dog enforcement units that brutally kills dogs, NOT CATS.

1) These GOVERNMENT enforcement agents use wooden bats to hit dogs on the head, and then proceed to KICK THEM TO DEATH.

2) These GOVERNMENT enforcement agents use ropes to tie around puppies' necks, and STRANGLE THEM TO DEATH.

3) These GOVERNMENT enforcement agents also use guns to shoot dogs, even when they are inside someone's house, sometimes wounding the residents.

It makes my blood boil to see such injustice in Malaysia. What can I do to stop this? I am a powerless minority living in this fucked-up country ran by cronies. All I could do is to expose this cruelty to the world.


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