Friday, 24 April 2009



Link for the pop-up below is here:

Pertandingan adalah antara Jawatankuasa Penduduk dalam kawasan pentadbiran Majlis Perbandaran Selayang.

Tangkapan boleh dilaksanakan sama ada oleh Jawatankuasa Penduduk sendiri atau dengan menggunakan bantuan pihak-pihak tertentu. Majlis Perbandaran Selayang tidak bertanggungjawab atas upah penangkapan.

Tangkapan dilaksanakan tanpa menjejaskan undang-undang Kecil 10(2)(a) Undang-undang Kecil Pelesenan Anjing dan Rumah Pembiakan Anjing (Majlis Perbandaran Selayang) 2005.

Tangkapan hendaklah diserahkan hidup-hidup kepada urus setia pertandingan untuk pengiraan/audit. Gambar setiap ekor tangkapan juga hendaklah dikemukakan
sebagai bukti tangkapan.

Pertandingan akan berjalan sepanjang masa.

projek yang bernilai seperti ketetapan yang
berikut :

To readers from other, civilized countries:

1. Malaysia has always discriminated against dogs. They shoot and kill all stray dogs over here.
2. To top it off, the above is a contest organized by the city council of Selayang, to catch dogs, with big money offered for the contestants. First prize is Rm15,000 which comes to U$4286, second prize if RM13,000 which comes to U$3714, and third prize is RM11,000 which is around U$3143.

I urge everyone of you to CALL or EMAIL the people and tell them to stop CRUELTY against dogs :
1. (603) 6120 4903

2. (603) 6120 4904

3. (603) 6120 4906

4. (603) 6120 1906

5. (603) 6120 1908

6. (603) 6120 3907

7. (603) 6120 7122

8. (603) 6120 1125

9. (603) 6120 2126

10. (603) 6120 3127

(603) 6138 8933


If you know of any international humane society, PLEASE BRING THIS UP.

The city has systematically discriminated against dogs, starting with the requirement of a DOG LICENSE for anyone who wishes to have a pet dog. Furthermore:

a) You must apply to the city for a dog tag.
b) But there is very limited supply of dog tags, meaning these get sold out, and without a dog tag, the city can shoot your dog
c) The dog tag costs a whopping RM200 (U$57) yearly.
d) You must go there with a picture of your dog's cage and
e) signatures of consent from your neighbors (from both sides of your house)

i can start from dog hard to apply n say no stock.. must go mpaj to apply la.. n to apply at mpaj..need photo of dog's cage la..n those signature of both side neighbour..? n de license need RM200.. n now this..

Malaysia is a beautiful country, unfortunately, the government stigmatizes dogs. They kill them mercilessly in front of children and everyone else.

Please stop cruelty to dogs in Malaysia. You can make a difference. Call the city, email the city, wake the council!

Edit: I have just spoken to Nick Josh K. Karean of the Humane Society of Malaysia, Nick is the HSM organizer, according to him, they will organize a petition, press conference, as well as expose such cruelty internationally. I applaud his actions, although petitions almost never work in Malaysia, we must find a way to campaign against cruelty towards dogs in Malaysia.


Inhumanity to DOGS!! Read about it!! Part 1

In Malaysia, Malays own cats, not dogs. The Chinese and Indians love dogs. As a corollary, Malaysia has dog enforcement units that brutally kills dogs, NOT CATS.

1) These GOVERNMENT enforcement agents use wooden bats to hit dogs on the head, and then proceed to KICK THEM TO DEATH.

2) These GOVERNMENT enforcement agents use ropes to tie around puppies' necks, and STRANGLE THEM TO DEATH.

3) These GOVERNMENT enforcement agents also use guns to shoot dogs, even when they are inside someone's house, sometimes wounding the residents.

It makes my blood boil to see such injustice in Malaysia. What can I do to stop this? I am a powerless minority living in this fucked-up country ran by cronies. All I could do is to expose this cruelty to the world.

Monday, 6 April 2009

Fart Joke

This is especially for the readers who understand Malay... Enjoy...

Orang TIDAK JUJUR Orang yang kalau kentut lalu menyalahkan orang lain.

* Orang BANGANG Orang yang menahan kentutnya sampai berjam-jam.

* Orang BERWAWASAN LUAS Orang yang tahu bila harus kentut.

* Orang SENGSARA Orang yang ingin kentut tapi tidak boleh kentut.

* Orang MISTERIUS Orang yang kalau kentut, orang lain tidak ada yang tahu.

* Orang GUGUP Orang yang tiba-tiba menahan kentutnya bila tiba masa nak kentut.

* Orang yang PERCAYA DIRI SENDIRI Orang yang selalu mengira kalau kentutnya bau harum.

* Orang SADIS Orang yang kalau kentut di ranjang terus dikibaskan baunya ke ranjang orang lain.

* Orang PEMALU Orang yang kalau kentut tidak bunyi tapi lalu merasa malu sendiri.

* Orang yang STRATEGIK Orang yang menyembunyikan kentutnya dengan tertawa terbahak-bahak biar orang lain tidak dengar.

* Orang BODOH Orang yang kalau habis kentut menghirup nafas untuk mengganti kentutnya yang keluar.

* Orang PELIK Orang yang kalau kentut di keluarkan sikit- sikit, sampai bunyi "tit-tit-tit".

* Orang SOMBONG Orang yang sering mencium kentutnya sendiri.

* Orang RAMAH Orang yang senang mencium kentut orang lain.

* Orang yang tidak senang BERGAUL Orang yang kalau kentut, sembunyi.

* Orang AKUATIK Orang kalau kentut di dalam air sampai bunyi blekuthuk-blekuthuk".

* Orang ATLETIK Orang kalau kentut sambil mengeluarkan tenaga dalam.

* Orang JUJUR Orang yang mengaku kalau habis kentut.

* Orang PINTAR Orang yang boleh menandai bau kentut orang lain.

* Orang MALANG Orang yang nak kentut tapi terkeluar taik....
so mana satu kentut anda?

Women And Finance

Dan was a single guy living at home
with his father and working in the family

When he found out he was going to inherit
a fortune when his sickly father died, he
decided he needed a wife with which to share his fortune.

One evening at an investment meeting
he spotted the most beautiful woman he had
ever seen.

Her natural beauty took his breath away.

"I may look like just an ordinary man," he
said to her, "but in just a few years, my father will die, and I'll inherit $65

Impressed, the woman obtained
his business card and three days later, she
became his stepmother.

Women are so much better
at financial planning than men.

Use English for Maths and Science

Why Malaysian Government insists on using English for math and science?

This is because the whole world uses the language as information and/or technology language. How dangerous it will be if we try to use Bahasa, especially in school. See example below:-

Hardware = barangkeras

Software = baranglembut

Joystick = batang gembira

Plug and Play = cucuk dan main

Port = lubang

Server = pelayan

Client = pelanggan

Try to translate this:


That server gives a plug and play service to the client using either hardware or software joystick. The joystick goes into the port of the client.

Now in BAHASA:

Pelayan itu memberi pelanggannya layanan cucuk dan main dengan menggunakan batang gembira jenis keras atau lembut. Batang gembira itu akan dimasukkan ke dalam lubang pelanggan.

Now you know...WHY...

Got this from the internet.. Just thought I might post it for ppl to read instead of forwarding it ;) Enjoy!

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